Where could it go?

The Coast-to-Coast route would connect Detroit to Holland through Lansing and Grand Rapids. The Coast-to-Coast Passenger Rail Ridership and Cost Estimate study analyzed three possible route options — all along existing rail lines. The results of the ridership and cost analyses support further study on Route 1 and Route 2. Route 1 has the highest ridership, while Route 2 has the greatest return on investment.

Here is a map of the corridor with possible routes laid out:

LARGEMAP_Coast to Coast Route Options_Final

The initial study in no way excludes any other route option from future analyses, nor does it identify a “preferred alternative” route. It does, however, seek to understand the strengths and weaknesses of Routes 1-3 for consideration in potential future studies.

Specific station locations along the routes have not been identified at this level and will need to be determined in a future study. 

One response to “Where could it go?

  1. I was not able to attend the meeting last night in Lansing. Is there a place to provide public comments on line?

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